Bow is synonymous with ponds – we opened in 1984, and were the first garden centre to be endorsed by the Wildlife Trust for encouraging wildlife to our Centre. We have a wealth of experience in how to construct and maintain a pond, and fish keeping, which we love to pass on to you to help you enjoy a successful pond.
Recent studies have shown that there are health benefits to keeping fish. Those with a pond can benefit from reduced blood pressure and the more fish there are, the greater the effect. So not only are they beautiful to look at but they benefit your health as well. We stock everything you need to build or maintain a beautiful pond in your garden and have many stocked working ponds on site for you to use as inspiration and also to see how filtration is set up to run.
Building a Pond
There are many factors to consider when planning a pond in your garden. Position, size, what fish you are going to put in it, filtration..... it can be quite a daunting task.
At Bow we have years of experience to help you plan the perfect, trouble free pond. Just bring in your ideas and imagination and we will help you to translate these into reality!
Pond Liner & Pre-Formed Ponds
We stock pond liner on the roll up to 20m x 7m in both PVC and rubberised-equivalent liner. We can get larger quantities delievered very quickly to your home. We also have nylon underlay which when used with the rubberised liner carries a lifetime guarantee which gives you peace of mind when installing.
For smaller ponds a preformed pond is an excellent option and we stock a range of different shapes and sizes to suit all needs. Not sure which one to go for? - bring in your sizes and let us work out which will be the best solution for your needs.

Filters & Pumps
The workhorse of the pond, get your pump and filter wrong and you will never have a clear, healthy pond. The size of pump and filter you need will depend on many factors, obviously pond size but also if you have a fountain that needs powering or if you have a waterfall.
We stock a range of quality pumps and filters with all of the hosing and accessories you will need for a complete set up. We will advise you exactly what you will need to get it right.

Fountains &Watercourses
The look and sound of a fountain in a pond is relaxing, and it has the added bonus of helping to aerate the water. We have pumps that can handle both your waterfall and your pond circulation together, or you can install one retrospectively with a separate pump.
Watercourses can join one pond to another and you can incorporate a waterfall somewhere as well for extra character. We have a range of pre-formed watercourses that make adding running water easy.
Koi & Pond Fish
Koi and pond fish are one of our passions, we go to great lengths to source quality fish at affordable prices. We hand select and have a wide chice across many koi vats, including top grade Japanese koi and classic koi. We only sell fit, healthy and quarantined fish for sale - so our koi and pond fish are covered by a 2 week guarantee.
We stock a wide range of pond fish species over 20+ fish vats, sizes from 3-4” (7.5-10cm) upward.
We also have a giant koi pond where you can see how big mature koi can get. You can also feed them with profits going to Devon Air Ambulance.
Pond Accessories
In addition to an extensive range of fish and pond treatments and fish foods, from general to specialist koi and sturgeon food, we also carry an extended range of products specifically to make your pond-keeping easier and more enoyable.
Pond vacs for easy cleaning, underwater lighting ranges for enhancing, water spitters, hosing and accessories, filter replacement parts and spares, you name it - we've either got it or can get it for you.
Of course expert advice is on hand to guide you if you need any help.

Here at Bow Garden Centre, we care deeply about looking after the wildlife in our gardens. Creating a Wildlife Pond is an excellent way of attracting various wildlife, including birds, newts, toads, frogs and insects.
Take a look at the How To Guide below on how to create the perfect wildlife pond, or click on it for a downloadable PDF version...
Pond Tips
Clear Water Tips
Summer is the perfect time to show off a healthy clear pond. So here are some of our top picks to tackle unsightly Algae Blanket weed and sludge.
1. Tackle Algae & Blanket Weed with our treatments that are fish, plant and wildlife safe pond additive, and are easy to use.
2. Once blanket weed has decayed it will produce sludge. Drop a Sludge Bomb straight into your pond or filter to help achieve clear water as the bomb digest the sludge.
3. With no more blanket weed and sludge you can maintain your healthy clear pond with Pure Pond. This is a natural product which works to improve the water quality, and helps to reduce ammonia and nitrite, creating a safer environment for your fish.
Autumn Pond Tips
Autumn pond maintenance is especially important to undertake because it prepares your pond for the Winter. If you need any further advice, please come and see us, and our friendly team will be happy to help.