In this cozy scene, bathed in holiday glow, a happy family moment unfolds as everyone is gathered around the Christmas tree. Laughter and carols fill the air as six spirited cats frolic in the festive chaos, chasing ribbons, climbing the tree, or enjoying their new toys. It’s a heartwarming scene that celebrates the beauty of togetherness, joy, and love, creating long-lasting cherished memories.
Approx. size (H x W x D)
4.69 x 9.25 x 6.89 inches
11.9 x 23.5 x 17.5 cm
Year Released: 2024
Made of: Resin
Product type: Table Accents
Control switch: On/Off switch
Batteries: Uses three AA size 1.5V batteries - batteries not included
Electrical: A/C adaptable by using a Lemax Power Adaptor. Adaptor not included.
Village: General Products
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